Friday 1 June 2012

Justin Bieber Suffers Concussion After Walking Into Glass Wall

Justin Bieber walked into a glass wall -- again!
According to TMZ, the 18-year-old singer walked into a glass wall backstage during his concert in Paris on Thursday.
The 18-year-old "Boyfriend" singer managed to complete his set on stage, but passed out briefly in his dressing room after. Doctors tell TMZ that Bieber suffered a concussion, but the star says he's fine.
"Just smacked my head and needed some water. All good," he tweeted Thursday. "I'm Canadian. We are tough. LOL. It's all good. Just gotta take it easy the rest of the night. Back at it again for you guys tomorrow. Thanks."
The news of Bieber's accident reached his fans before his own mother! "The fact you all knew what happened before my mom even did is impressive. LOL. I have amazing fans," he wrote. "Very grateful for your love."
And this isn't the first time Bieber has hit his head walking into glass. The "Baby" singer was caught on camera walking into a revolving glass door in May 2010. 

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