Friday 1 June 2012

BANNED!!! Lady Gaga cancels Indonesia show after threat from Muslim extremists

Jakarta gig is called off over security concerns after Islamic Defenders Front vows to confront singer on way from airport

Pop icon Lady Gaga and her management have decided to cancel her show in Indonesia after Islamists threatened to bring “chaos” on the singer if she dares enter the country. The decision was announced just a week before the scheduled tour date.
“Lady Gaga’s management has considered the situation minute to minute, and with threats if the concert goes ahead, Lady Gaga’s side is calling off the concert,” AFP quotes Big Daddy promoters’ lawyer Minola Sebayang as saying. “This is not only about Lady Gaga’s security, but extends to those who will be watching her,” he added.
The fame monster’s show had to be called off due to security reasons, as the radically religious Islamic Defenders Front proclaimed their intention to use violence if the show went ahead.
“We will stop her from setting foot on our land. She had better not dare spread her satanic faith in this country," FPI Jakarta chairman Salim Alatas told AFP.

Following the religious hardliners’ statements, Jakarta police refused to approve the show.
The promoters tried to settle the conflict between Lady Gaga’s camp and the government of Indonesia, but the situation could not be resolved via compromise, Big Daddy’s marketing director Michael Rusli said.
“For the past few days we have communicated with the government and Lady Gaga’s side. The government has given support, but this is not about the permit… The cancellation is really due to concerns over security,” Michael Rusli told AFP. 
The show in Muslim-majority Indonesia was completely sold out. Some 40,000 fans were waiting in vain for their idol’s performance.
Gaga’s tour has already provoked a series of scandals in other Asian states. The tour kicked off in Seoul where it took place despite weeks-long protests by Christian groups in South Korea. Conservative Christians in the Philippines were also protesting against the Born This Way singer’s shows in their country. But despite their best efforts, both shows in Manila went off as planned.

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