Friday 29 June 2012

NEWS: DJ Tee allegedly stabs upcoming rapper, assaults siblings.

DJ Tee
Thursday, June 28, 2012 will forever remain a memorable day for the Osungade family as they almost lost three of their siblings in the hands of popular Director and Cinematographer Adetokunbo Odubawo better known as DJ Tee.

The video director has been accused of stabbing a 19-year-old upcoming artiste Osungade Tolani Alvin in the face and assaulting his two siblings.

NET sources say Tolani who is better known by his stage name TLI Soji Boi had gone along with his siblings – 22-year-old Dolapo aka Deeking and younger sister, 17 year-old Mobolaji to support a fellow upcoming artiste Malcolm who was shooting his video at the Daily Times factory in Ikeja. We’re told DJ Tee was the D.O.P (Director of Photography) on set.
Eye witnesses say all was going well until DJ Tee asked for those who were to appear in the video shoot (including Tolani and Dolapo) to move on set while the others should move out of shooting range. Dolapo’s girlfriend who wasn’t supposed to appear in the shoot stayed back on set.

Apparently this angered the director as DJ Tee was said to have ‘rudely told her to get out’. ‘He started screaming for her to get out, calling her bitch and stuff’, O’tuga Suzzie, a witness and family friend to the Osungade’s tweeted late last night.

Dolapo, obviously upset, talked back at the director, trying to caution him but DJ Tee allegedly slapped him and asked his boys who were also at the shoot to beat him up.
‘DJ Tee’s boys (about 10 of them) immediately pounced on Dolapo and started beating him up’ one eye witness who asked not to be named, told us.
‘As Mobo screamed and watched helplessly as her elder brother was being beaten up, DJ Tee asked his boys to beat her up too. As Tolani tried to intervene in the whole matter, DJ Tee approached Dolapo to stab him with a bottle he just broke.  Tolani intervened and DJ Tee stabbed him in the face. He then had them all thrown out of the factory and continued with the shoot.’
NET gathered Tolani is now receiving treatment at the Ikeja Medical Centre.
Even though different eye witnesses claim he did, the director has come out to say nothing of the sort happened. NET could not establish contact with DJ Tee for comments as at the time of this report as his phone was switched off but hours after the incident, he took to Twitter to deny the whole news, and explain what happened.

DJ Tee says he didn’t stab anybody;

@SOJIBOI_WE bro, I did not stab you…….why are people saying I picked up a bottle & stabbed you with it on your face’, DJ Tee tweeted at Tolani.

And as for the stab in Tolani’s face, he carefully explained;

‘He [Tolani] was an extra on shoot I did today, its long story anyway he smashed a bottle against hard metal above our head. The bottle shattered and cut me and him….broken pieces that was shattered around us. The stabbing thingy was not true… was shattered broken pieces anyway. It’s all good’, @DJTee explains as he tweeted at bloggers Twitter handles.

Culled from:

What You Don't Know About The PLAYBOY Brand

Playboy Enterprises, Inc. is a privately held global media and lifestyle company founded by Hugh Marston Hefner to manage the Playboy magazine empire. Its programming and content are available worldwide on television networks, Websites, mobile platforms and radio. Today, Playboy Enterprises, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the development and distribution of adult entertainment. The Playboy brand is one of the most widely recognized and popular brands in the world. The company is structured with three business segments: Publishing (which manages the magazine), Entertainment (which controls electronic assets), and Licensing (which licenses the Playboy name and bunny logo to third parties).
Sales of Playboy magazine peaked in 1972 at over 7 million copies. The company now derives only one-third of its revenues from Playboy magazine, with the other two-thirds from the dissemination of adult content in electronic form, such as television, the internet and DVDs. Much of this electronic revenue comes not from the soft nude imagery which made the magazine famous, but from hardcore pornography connected with the company's ownership of Spice Digital Networks, Club Jenna, and
Playboy Enterprises, Inc. occupies the top office floors of 680 N. Lake Shore Drive (formerly 666 N. Lake Shore Drive) in Chicago's Streeterville neighborhood within the Near North Side community area. The company employed 782 full-time employees at the end of 2006.
Playboy owner, Hugh Matson Hefner
Brief history
Playboy Enterprises was created in 1953 as the HMH Publishing Co., Inc. for the purpose of publishing Playboy. The business quickly expanded and began to develop and distribute a wider range of adult entertainment. It went public in 1971. Christie Hefner, daughter of Hugh Hefner, was the President from 1982, and Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer from 1988, until she left the company in 2009.
The Age reported in October 2008 that, for the first-time ever, Hugh Hefner is selling tickets to his celebrity-filled parties to offset his cash-flow problems due to setbacks Playboy Enterprises has suffered, including decreasing Playboy circulation, decreasing stock value, and ventures that have yet to turn a profit. Christie Hefner released a memo to employees about her efforts to streamline the company's operations, including eliminating its DVD division and laying off staff.
Holly, one of Playboy's popular girls


Playboy also ran forty Playboy Club properties from 1960 to 1986. From 1981 to 1984, the company was a partner in the Playboy Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Playboy Enterprises was denied a permanent NJ gaming license and was forced to sell out to its partner, which changed the name of the hotel/casino to the Atlantis Hotel and Casino. The company is returning to nightlife business with the Playboy Club at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas. And Playboy is hunting other casino licensing deals in Macau and London. Meanwhile, the company says it will open at least three Playboy stores in each of the next three years.
The company's Playboy Foundation provides grants to non-profit groups involved in fighting censorship and researching human sexuality.

How to boost your sex drive

Food, music, drugs and even scents can all help fire up flagging desire. 

Artichokes, like wine, are good for ladies when men consume them, according to an old French saying. No surprise that the country that invented champagne also had the idea that food can improve lovemaking: until recently, French bridegrooms were given asparagus on the eve of their weddings. There's no science to suggest it did any good – but is there an evidence base for other favourite aphrodisiacs?
* Pumpkin seeds, along with Brazil nuts and almonds, are rich in the amino acid arginine, boosting levels of blood to the genitals, making them natural Viagra, according to both the nutritionist Patrick Holford and the television pundit Gillian McKeith. in 2005, McKeith caused a stampede on UK supermarkets when she revealed the power of the pumpkin seed on the female libido – though there's no sign of either sex rushing back to buy new supplies.
* Oysters, the richest source of zinc, nourish the prostate gland and boost testosterone production, according to the nutrition consultant Suzannah Olivier (author of Food Medicine, Robinson).
* Chocolate contains phenethylamine, a nutrient that enhances mood and is the chemical we produce in our brains when we fall in love, according to Olivier. "The higher the cocoa content of the chocolate the better the effect, so stick to 60-70 per cent cocoa solid chocolate," she says.
* It's the smell of food rather than its constituent parts that gets men in the mood, says the neurologist Alan Hirsch, the founder of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago. He measured the effects of aromas on penile blood flow and found that American men responded best to doughnuts, pizza, popcorn and strawberries. Men, he concluded, are turned on by smells that evoke the security and pleasure of childhood. Vanilla apparently works for the same reason.
* Any dish can be erotic when enjoyed with sensual pleasure, according to Dr Michel Odent. We all need substantial bursts of the "love hormone" oxytocin to get sexually aroused – and that's less likely to happen if his body is fizzing with stress hormones or her rational brain is on overdrive. Physically enjoying food quickens production of this pulsating hormone, as do dim lights and softly playing music, says Odent. His book The Scientification of Love (Free Association) provides the evidence base for the St Valentine's Day dinner date.
* Being wined as well as dined boosts endorphins, the pleasure hormones helping to release tension and inhibitions as well as testosterone, encouraging flirtatious talk. Too much wine, however, reduces men's sex drive and women who drink too much are more likely to have sex but less likely to enjoy it, according to research.

Prescription drugs
It's exactly 10 years since Viagra exploded into the public consciousness. As the first oral treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED), it quickly became one of the biggest success stories in pharmaceutical history – outstripping the "sunshine" antidepressant pill Prozac as the fastest-selling medicinal drug ever.
A consequence of Viagra's success was that it overturned the widespread view that ED was mostly in the mind. While stress and other pressures can disrupt male sexuality, persistent dysfunction usually has a physical cause – most frequently the first signs that the blood vessels are clogging up (atherosclerosis). "The blood vessels to the penis are among the smallest in the body and ED is often an early symptom of atherosclerotic disease, which is also a risk factor for heart disease and stroke," explains Dr David Goldmeier, a consultant in genito-urinary medicine at St Mary's NHS Trust in London.
Anyone suffering from ED should get their health checked for diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol, all of which need to be addressed. In the meantime, medication such as Viagra can be used to improve penile blood flow and therefore erectile function.
One in seven men doesn't respond to Viagra, however, while others have unacceptable side effects. A firmer favourite is newcomer Cialis, known as the first morning-after pill for men: the effects last for at least 24 hours, which means men with ED can have sex at night and again the next morning. "Preference studies have been published showing that on the whole men prefer Cialis because they get a better erection," says Dr Goldmeier – "though the studies were funded by its manufacturers of Cialis and need to be treated with caution."

Testosterone is essential to libido in both sexes and supplements in the form of gels, sprays and patches are available for both sexes. However, testosterone patches and gels (Andropatch, Testoderm, Androderm) are only licensed for the one in five 60-plus men who suffers from hypogonadism (very low testosterone levels). And female testosterone patches and sprays that are on the market as "the female equivalent of Viagra", to treat the newly recognised problem of female sexual dysfunction, are highly controversial. The British Society for Sexual Medicine does not recommend testosterone for women unless they are shown to have unusually low levels: "Low female sex drive is a much more complex thing than men not getting an erection," it says, warning of excess facial hair as a common side effect – not necessarily the look you want on St Valentine's Day. As Dr Phil Hammond points out in his new book, Medicine Balls (Black & White Publishing): "If you look at the criteria – not feeling like sex for a few days in the last month – then I've got female sexual dysfunction too."
The impact of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on female libido has been pretty well written out of the equation during the recent repeated health scares that have linked post-menopausal oestrogen to a small increase in the risk of breast cancer. Bear in mind, however, that HRT was first seen as a miracle anti-ageing drug that zapped post-menopausal low libido along with the hot flushes – with a series of older female celebrities expressing their gratitude to the hormone therapy for enabling them to remain a little bit tarty-looking well into middle age and beyond.
The fine print of maintaining surging oestrogen levels was always a bit vague. Perhaps the single most important effect is the role of oestrogen in lubricating the tissues of the vagina – with plenty of evidence that the devastating impact on couples' sex lives following the menopause is particularly due to vaginal symptoms such as dryness and discomfort. For those considering HRT purely as a sex aid, doctors are likely to recommend oestrogen cream or slow-release suppositories that have an impact on the genital area.
One step removed from these sex hormones is another popular anti-ageing hormone, DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), a natural precursor of both testosterone and oestrogen that, according to enthusiasts, can be taken as an oral supplement. It's widely touted on the internet as boosting libido – though so far without a shred of evidence.

Medication is almost never the whole answer to sexual problems: half of men who begin Viagra or Cialis are no longer taking it after a year. It takes two to tango, says Dr Goldmeier, and there isn't a prescription drug to cure relationship problems – and good communication is also needed.
The first step is to confront the problem: "Men so often feel self-conscious about coming to me with their difficulty and don't realise it's my job to talk to men in the same situation," says the urologist Dr Mike Kirby.
But there can still be problems once everything is working properly. Couples counsellor Tricia Barnes says it's common for couples to continue to experience an emotional barrier which prevents them enjoying their love life to the full, once the male partner can obtain and maintain reliable erections again.
"The fear and anxiety about sexual functioning may have been alleviated, but fear of establishing or re-establishing emotional intimacy remains," she says. Marriage guidance or couples counselling can help people communicate more openly and honestly including being able to talk about their likes and dislikes in bed.

Body/Mind connection
The brain is said to be the biggest sex organ – so if you feel good you're more likely to get sexually aroused, and vice versa. A sudden inability to get an erection is most likely to have a psychological background in a man: often caused by anxiety or loss of confidence as a result of divorce, bereavement, redundancy or a similar life event.
More generally, sex becomes less alluring through boredom, incompatibility, low self-esteem, depression and fatigue and, particularly for women, a combination of lifestyle and physical changes that occurs, for instance, with the arrival of children and their departure from the family nest. So sensible guidance encourages a multi-faceted approach to sexuality, including: exercise to improve stamina and body image; improving skills to cope better with work and financial stress; and, for women, pelvic floor exercises to create better awareness of the muscles involved in sexual pleasure, boosting libido and self-esteem at a stroke.


How to Build Up Sexual Stamina

Both men and women desire satisfying sex lives. Part of a successful sexual relationship is stamina. Partners want to please each other fully and this involves lasting long enough so that both are fulfilled. Being a strong sexual partner takes some work. Build up your sexual stamina so you can please your lover and yourself.

Step 1

Treat foreplay as a major part of lovemaking rather than just a prelude. Let the excitement build between the two of you. Practice in all areas of lovemaking including foreplay to increase your overall endurance in the sack. Take your time and relax while enjoying both erogenous and non-erogenous zones.

Step 2

Slow your breathing when you begin to near orgasm. Both men and women can delay a climax by consciously controlling breath patterns. The longer you delay orgasm, of course, the longer the sexual experience will be, so practicing this technique will improve your stamina.

Step 3

Pay attention to other body parts in addition to the genitals during intercourse. This will increase your enjoyment even as you are delaying climax and lengthening the experience. The idea is to spend more and more time in the act to help you last longer each session.

Step 4

Develop a regular exercise program. Working out at a moderate pace for half an hour a day at least five times a week will strengthen your muscles, including those of the heart. The physical activity will also ward off depression and stress. In other words, your body and mind will be stronger, which will help you last longer in bed.

Step 5

Do Kegel exercises. This involves contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscle used to stop the flow of urine. This action works the puboccoccygeus muscle, also known as the PC muscle. When you get used to the feeling of contracting the PC muscle you can perform the exercise without urinating. A stronger PC muscle in both men and women will improve your sexual experience and give you more control.

Step 6

Practice a healthy lifestyle to build your sexual stamina. Consume healthy foods in moderate quantities, stay hydrated by drinking lots of water, go to bed at a proverbial "decent hour" and learn to reduce stress by letting go of unnecessary complications and finding things to laugh about each day.

Tips and Warnings

  • Let the woman take the top position during lovemaking in order to help the man delay ejaculation. Practice this position often to help both partners build up sexual stamina.

Beyonc’s buys $40 million Father’s Day gift for Jay Z: Report

It’s already common knowledge that Blue Ivy might be be the most spoiled baby in the world, but now it looks like Jay-Z takes the title of Most Pampered Papa. For this past Father’s Day, the first for the 42-year-old hip-hop mogul, his wife, BeyoncĂ©, allegedly got him one mother of a gift: a $40 million jet plane.
That’s right. $40 million. Jet plane. That tie and iTunes gift card you got for your dad this year don’t seem so exciting, do they?
And what exactly does $40 million get somebody, in terms of airborne luxury? The Bombardier Challenger 850, the model Bey is rumoured to have chosen for her hubby, can hold 15 passengers and features amenities such as a kitchen, living room, two full bathrooms, and a pretty swanky interior. Basically, imagine that penthouse apartment you can’t afford, slap some wings on it, and chuck it 40,000 feet into the air.
Of course, family vacations are integral to any childhood — and with concerts, meetings, galas, and awards shows happening all over the word, the Carter clan will probably be doing lots of them.
But it seems unlikely that Jay-Z will strap blow-up mattresses to the top of the jet while BeyoncĂ© prepares a cooler full of orange slices and sandwiches, and Blue kicks the back of the pilot’s chair, asking, “Are we there yet?”
Then again, to each his own, right? One thing’s for sure: Bey is going to have a tough time beating this present next year.