Thursday 31 May 2012

UNN student commits suicide this morning

A student from the university sent me a mail about what happened in their school early this morning. The students of University of Nigeria, Nsuka, woke up to find one of their own hanging from a rope in an unfinished Franco building beside the hockey pitch in their school. Roommates of the dead student said he left the room around 2am this morning and they thought he had gone to study, only for his corpse to be found dangling from a rope this morning. He's a 3rd year Physics and Astronomy student in his early 20's. A purported suicide note which read, "The controversy is over" was discovered near him.

The dead student, now identified as Onyebuchi Okonkwo had a mental illness last year and was hospitalized at UI for one month. So so sad. A photo of the sad incident when you continue...but viewer discretion advised.
Wish someone had reached out to him before this happened. May his soul rest in peace...amen.

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