Monday 4 June 2012

Unveiling The Woman who stole the heart of World’s youngest Billionaire - Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg

  • Her wedding dress cost $4,700 and it was from a boutique dress maker Claire Pettibone. Pettibone said of the dress, "It’s not our top seller ... But it’s respectable.” A third party bought the dress for Chan.
  • Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong played at their wedding.
  • Chan is 27, and just graduated from University of California, San Francisco, and she wants to be a pediatrician.
  • She doesn't talk to the media, and prefers to be private.
  • Her friends are in the tech scene. The Times reports "In Palo Alto, Ms. Chan is close to a handful of friends, including Jessica Vascellaro, a Wall Street Journal reporter, and her fiancĂ©, Sam Lessin, a Facebook product manager; Jessica and Aaron Sittig, senior Facebook employees (Mr. Zuckerberg was best man at their Palm Springs, Calif., wedding); and Brittany Morin, who is married to Dave Morin, an early Facebook employee who left to become a founder of Path, a photo-sharing site."
  • She was Valedictorian at her high school.
  • She and Zuckerberg broke up for a little while when Zuckerberg moved out to California to start Facebook. When they got back together, she negotiated some terms of the relationship: He had to spend 100 minutes of private time with her per week, they had to take vacations out of the country for two weeks at a time each year, and he had to consider getting married to her.
  • Zuckerberg was hesitant about getting married because he thought it would hurt Facebook's youthful image, says the NYT.
  • Chan isn't keen on spending Zuckerberg's money. One time she was shopping with his sister and saw a pair of $600 shoes she liked. She didn't buy them. Zuckerberg's sister said, You can afford them. She said, "It's not my money" to spend.

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